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Friday, March 4, 2011

Paranormal Experiences

I'm pretty sure most of you had a paranormal experience before. It could've happened in the past or maybe its still happening to you. I have had a few paranormal experiences when I was a child but theres 2 that I will never forget. The first one happened when I woke up in the middle of the night and I was about to go to the bathroom when I saw this thing with no face and its whole body was skin. I screamed out who's there and no one responded. I went to check it out and I saw it go through a wall and disappear. After that I went to s**t some brix. 

So what paranormal experiences did you have in the past?  They don't have to be big ones.
Please don't forget to follow and comment :D

"When you are open to anything, nothing is impossible"


  1. When your mind slips reality and enters a realm called fantasy nothing is impossible.. still doesn't make it true though! :)

  2. my mind sometimes slips into a deep thought of what would it be like if nothing existed, like no matter, space, time, galaxies, just everything that makes existence if it completely didn't come about.

  3. Nice blog there!

    I've got a slightly strange thing occuring when I'm about to fall in sleep..

    It feels like my body is very heavy and suddenly I feel like my mind is not connected to my body anymore...

    Strange thing is buggering me alot!

    What can this be?

  4. @justdarki There is no such thing as a realm of fantasy. Theres only the different levels of reality. The beings in that reality might've been imagined but they could become more real than your reality.

    @xmeesx your probably in the sleep paralysis state of having an Out of body expirience.

  5. Its called lucid dreams
    or dreaming I think
    When you become semi aware that you are dreaming
    you cant control your body since your dreaming
    but you are aware you are
    some people have done it enough that they can control what happens in the dreams
    It happened to me once but I just freaked out because I could feel my body laying down but I was seeing a dream I was having
    and I tried getting up buy I had no control on my body and It just freaked me out

  6. I don't recall anything paranormal happening to me.

  7. wow that's scary. the one i experience was sleep paralysis and waking to a scary experience of being paralyzed and seeing a blurred object above you (common)

  8. extra-dimensional beings, maybe.

  9. I like dreaming about strange paranormal things, but it doesn't really spill over into reality.

  10. nothing better than some paranormal experiences.

    i've had many myself and i'll chuck them up on my blog soon enough :P

  11. I've got a few, but it would take a while to write them all out and I'd have to take up multiple comments, so I'll stick with the simplest one with the most witnesses.
    Two friends and I were watching a movie. As usual, there were several empties sitting on the tables. Suddenly, one can goes flying from the side table nearest to me and narrowly misses my roommate's head, hitting the wall. This was after a week full of objects moving or coming up missing and disembodied footsteps/knocks. I have a lot of the sounds on tape, including some pretty clear voices.

  12. @afrodude50 you cant disprove ghosts

  13. Creepy dude. However, I still need to read more!!!!! Following

  14. Crazy! I remember once, I think I was almost asleep, I had a crazy feeling, like something was entering my body. It was nuts.

  15. I never had any paranormal experiences but I've always wanted to go to a haunted house with a group of friends. I'm not sure if I believe in that sort of thing or not.

  16. Wow, thats an awesome picture.

  17. None! Because there is no such thing as paranormal. They all have a logical explanation.

  18. I can't remember a particular experience. I just remember having night terrors when I was a kid

    Now I'm forever afraid of the dark and movies like Paranormal activity because it reminds me of when I was young :(

  19. I've seen people possessed by demons try to self defenestrate or throw up organic dirt. Weird stuff!

  20. It may sound silly, but the house im living in now has creepy occurrences happen almost daily.

    Something will fall without any outside encouragement, or I'll hear voices whisper faintly late at night.

    Just recently our spare smoke alarm went off. All would have been fine if it had a battery in it.

  21. That picture is pretty creepy. I don't believe in ghosts etc though.

  22. the pic is from a video game, right?
    which one?

  23. i think that i had a premonition before my brothers death but didn't understand it at the time :(

  24. Dude I would have shat my pants for days

  25. Great post, I like your posts thus far.

  26. Thank you everyone for all the awesome comments and @serious_nonsense sorry im not sure /:

  27. Now this is a good topic for me.
    Really, Ive had quite a bit happen since ive always been very intrigued in the paranormal since I was a young child. Many ghost events that many people don't believe, nothing that big. But I make things happen that others can't explain at times.
    Il state a very shot event, Ive had my hair raised up and pulled several times that others have seen happen. Also, have had thing bang around and even things set on fire.
    Im one who is open to paranormal. For sure.

  28. After going back and reading the comments, I have soo much to add, but I wont here. I would love it if you wrote another post about paranormal activities happening.

    Now youve got me thinking.

  29. I have seen things in the past but I chalk it out to be just my imagination and grogginess playing mind tricks with me.

  30. Crazy stuff, I have yet to experience it
