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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cannabis: Dangerous Drug or Versatile Herb?

How are you all doing? This is my first "real" post about my blog. You see I got in a fight with someone yesterday who is so close minded he disregards all the facts and believes Cannabis is one of the most harmful drugs out there so as you guessed I am gonna rant about Cannabis.
 First I would like to clarify that Cannabis is not a "drug" or "narcotic", instead its a very versatile plant that can change the world for the better. Theres been proof that Cannabis is an extremely versatile and misunderstood plant. Many people think that the only use of Cannabis is getting high but they are very wrong! Cannabis has been used for millenniums without it being illegal.
Cannabis or Hemp when its used to make commercial products, has many more uses than people know. The plant can save the environment by replacing fossil fuels as a cheap alternative. You can also make paper and clothes out of the Cannabis. This will help stop deforestation because it takes only a little Hemp to make paper or clothes, and the material is much stronger and lighter than it being made out of trees. Did you also know you could make plastic out of Hemp? This Hemp plastic is 10x lighter than traditional plastic  and saves the environment. Hemp can also be used to make cosmetics, conditioner, shampoo, soap, and over 5000+ more commercial products!
You may be asking yourself, "if hemp or cannabis is so good, then why is it illegal". Cannabis hasn't been illegal for a long time. Actually less than 1% of its existence it has been illegal. Did you even know that in the 1600's the American Colonies were allowed to pay their taxes in Cannabis. Also the very American Constitution was written on hemp paper. The only reason cannabis is illegal is because the oil, wood, and other big companies didn't want to lose money and bought their way to make it illegal. They used propaganda and a blitz of yellow journalism in the 30's caused the public to think the herb is bad. Those people told their children and their children told their children. They used a Mexican slang term "Marijuana" to make the public think that the herb is bad.
Cannabis also has many medical properties that can help with many illness's. Cannabis seeds are also one of the most healthy things a human can digest. Its also known as a big stress reliever. It also helps with mental illness's such as schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder, and depression but it may also trigger these illness's. Results vary. It is also almost physically impossible to Overdose in Cannabis. And unlike cigarettes and alcohol cannabis is much more healthy and less addictive.
This herb opens up your mind and helps you see the world in a different view, in a different reality.
Below is a really good documentary on the "truth" about Cannabis: 

Thanks for reading and I hope we have a lot fun and discussions as the blog progresses. Also don't forget to follow and comment on my blogs (I enjoy reading about your opinions and debates) :D
  "When you are open to anything, nothing is impossible"


  1. Just fyi, it is bad for you to smoke anything.
    You will be harmed.

  2. It does take a toll on your lungs but its not like it will cause any permanent damage. All you have to do is allow time to heal your lungs. Also Cannabis can't only be smoked, it can be baked into food, if your talking about taking the herb.

  3. Smoking tabacco harms aswell.. Even breathing isn't as good as it used to be.

    Interesting article.

  4. Intresting artcile, thanks! Following

  5. Interesting thoughts. I have mixed feelings about cannabis, I've had several people in my life completely fail to succeed in their lives, socially and economically. One thing they all had in common was an abuse of cannabis. But I've dabbled personally and it never messed up my life, so I am willing to consider that people who fail are attracted to marijuana, not that marijuana makes you fail.

  6. I've seen so many of these things, I've come to the conclusion that cannabis is much better for you than drinking or smoking cigs or any of that other jazz, I honestly can't believe it's not legal yet, but at least we're taking small steps towards it... happy to say AZ is getting cannabis cards very soon (finally.)

  7. But is hemp utilized at all? I feel like most of these arguments are just made by stoners to get it legalized. I don't know, but it doesn't seem like anyone actually uses cannabis except to get high.

  8. Theres many uses to Cannabis, its just barely used because the oil and wood companies don't want to lose money and since their already rich the could pay for a lot bad propaganda towards the plant. Its a really misunderstood plant and more people need to know about it. I can see why you think that though.

  9. Pound it.

    also, idiot
    "But is hemp utilized at all? I feel like most of these arguments are just made by stoners to get it legalized. I don't know, but it doesn't seem like anyone actually uses cannabis except to get high. "

    It would put cotton out of business, it is a superior fiber in every way. Usability, profitability, heartiness (it grows like a weed) and comfort. I personally have a few pieces of hemp/organic cotton blend shirts and they are my favorite, way better than my cotton ones.

    AND even if people only use it to get high, why do we have alcohol and tobacco? Can you make alcohol into a string? Tobacco into a coat? I didn't think so. They're purpose is to get you "high" and I think cannabis is a more effective, safer and smarter alternative than either of these. But that's just me.

  10. Seems very interesting from a user standpoint thanks :D

  11. Very Interesting Point of view
    Especially the commercial uses of Cannabis

    Drugs are bad though..
    My point of view
    I know that Other non Illegal substances can be worse but still im not in favor of those either
    Very nice post though :)

  12. Alcohol is legal almost everywhere and it's definitely more harmful than cannabis! I'm not sure if I'd legalize it, though...

  13. lol in your face 1st anon poster...

    love the quote at the end! we need a hemp revolution in america!!! the green rush has already taken california and a few others but we need more!

  14. Thank you everyone for the positive comments :) It's time for a revolution. Everyone should spread the truth. If the people band together we could do anything.

  15. Sick bro, i followed you! Follow me back! :)

  16. Makes you realise why did the goverment banned cannabis.

  17. A weird thing tho is that cannabis is illegal and alcohol isn't.. I, myself, drink alcohol and enjoy it, but it's way more harmful than cannabis.

  18. that is good post, nice blog

    + follower:)


  20. Still waiting on the day it's legal in Canada

  21. Interesting stuff, your posts are really informative, keep it up :D

  22. If I had to choose between smoking pot and drinking alcohol I'd always take smoking. It's so much more healthy for you.
